Petosan Dental Kit for DogsThe Petosan Twin-Head Dental Brush is guided by the teeth, cleaning the inside and outside surfaces at the same time, increasing percentage of plaque removal and savPet Oral Care SuppliesPetosanMcCaskiePetosan Dental Kit

Petosan Dental Kit for Dogs

The Petosan Twin-Head Dental Brush is guided by the teeth, cleaning the inside and outside surfaces at the same time, increasing percentage of plaque removal and saving time. The brush has high quality Dupont Tynex Nylon filaments with the appropriate softness required for pets. It makes cleaning your dogs teeth at home easier and a less stressful experience. These popular dental kits are available in three sizes, small dogs (3-7kg), medium dogs (7-15kg) and large dogs (16kg+). This product is not suitable for puppies or toy dogs.