Timage Lite Horse Haylage Bales

Timage Lite Horse Haylage Bales


Timage Light is a lower calorie, carbohydrate haylage, developed for horses that have weight issues, horses on low activity work, convalescing and/or is suffering from Laminitis. The product primarily contains Scotch Timothy grass which has been widely known a perfect grass type for this purpose. Timage Light is determined by harvesting the fields at the appropriate timeframe and growth, to ensure it has less conditioning nutrients but contains the most important factor of a higher fibre content. Garlic preservative is added to ensure no formation of nasty moulds forming from foreign bodies. One thing to be mindful of Timage Light – it is lacking sugar, so therefore, it might take some time for a horse to adapt to it, if they are used to Hay (a lot of Hay can be very high in offensive nutrients and sugars that can cause harm), other brands of Haylage or Timage Original. The product has been developed to safeguard the welfare of your animal.


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